The Actor’s Body—A Constellation of French Cinema: ‘Le Doulos’ / ‘À bout de souffle’ / ‘Mauvais sang’

Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean-Luc Godard and Leos Carax belong to the same lineage of filmmakers and the same family of French cinema. This audiovisual essay remixes three scenes from their films to study their connections and the work of their actors: Serge Reggiani, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Denis Lavant.

‘As Tears Go By…’: Marianne Faithfull & Anna Karina

In this audiovisual essay, Anna Karina and Marianne Faithfull talk to themselves and to each other across six different films. Bitterly, blatantly, brutally: they muse—using words written by men and songs composed by men—on what it means (for all of us: there ain't escape from the culture) to perform, inside and outside the fiction, as women invented by men...

The Long Road: ‘Liberté et Patrie’ (Jean-Luc Godard & Anne-Marie Miéville, 2002)

The 'and' functions to always carry the links forward—but it also operates across each pair ("freedom and fatherland, fatherland and freedom": the visual and aural back-and-forth is a constant in the film). It's the movement effected by the 'and' that frees the terms from themselves, and frees the pairs from themselves—threading relations that multiply and amplify, that give substance, background and meaning, that constellate a veritable cosmos out of those two initial notions...

The Geometry Lesson: ‘The Book of Mary’ (Anne-Marie Miéville, 1985)

The triangle is an important figure in Anne-Marie Miéville's 'The Book of Mary'. This short film chronicles the separation of a couple focussing on the effects it has on their 11-year-old daughter, Marie. This sudden mutation of the stable family triangle is abstracted in a geometry lesson – a scene between father and daughter, happening halfway into the film...